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“Germanness abroad – German South Americans in Berlin: Coming to terms with a colonial family past”


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"Die Kolonien im Süden." Installation view.

"Deutschtum im Ausland - Deutschsüdamerikaner*innen in Berlin: Die Aufarbeitung einer kolonialen familiären Vergangenheit" is an art project and a series of informative events addressing German colonial history in Chile, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela and the current debate on the recognition of German citizenship.


This series of presentations aims to acquaint the general public with the colonial policies of Germanness of the past in South America. For immigrants in Berlin, the aim is to facilitate an exchange of useful and up-to-date information on the right to citizenship and the positioning of our role in the current demand.

Presentation view. Stadtbibliothek Pankow. F: Maria Rapela

"#4 Ruta del Salitre", Charcoal and sanguine drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"#4 Ruta del Salitre", Charcoal and sanguine drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"ST", intervened archive print with charcoal and acrylic, work on pearl-white metallic paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"ST", intervened archive print with charcoal and acrylic, work on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Die deutsche Kolonie Hansa", Charcoal and sanguine drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Die deutsche Kolonie Hansa", intervened archive print with acrylic, work on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Kolonie 02", intervened archive print with acrylic and transfer, work on paper pearl-white metallic paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Chile und die deutschen Kolonien", Charcoal drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Hassmann", Charcoal and sanguine drawing on paper 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Colonia Tovar", Charcoal drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"ST", Charcoal drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

"Helena in Brasil", Charcoal and sanguine drawing on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.

Sponsored by the Art and Culture Department of the Pankow District Office and [Moskito] – Partnerships for Democracy Pankow

With the support of the Pankow City Library and the Colonia Tovar Museum, Venezuela.


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